Excel WEEKDAY Function

Excel WEEKDAY Function


The Excel WEEKDAY function takes a date and returns a number between 1-7 representing the day of week. By default, WEEKDAY returns 1 for Sunday and 7 for Saturday. You can use the WEEKDAY function inside other formulas to check the day of week and react as needed. 


Get the day of the week as a number

Return value 

A number between 0 and 7.


=WEEKDAY (serial_number, [return_type])


  • serial_number – The date for which you want to get the day of week.
  • return_type – [optional] A number 1-3 representing day of week mapping scheme. Default is 1.

Usage notes 

return_type specifies the scheme used to map the day of week. The default is 1. The available mapping schemes are as follows:

return_type 1: Numbers 1-7 (Sunday through Saturday) – default
return_type 2: Numbers 1-7 (Monday through Sunday)
return_type 3: Numbers 0-6 (Monday through Sunday)

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