Excel Functions
Discover how functions in Excel help you save time.
If you are new to functions in Excel, we recommend you to read our introduction to Excel Functions.
- 1. Date And Time:
This page lists the built-in Excel Date and Time Functions, which can be used to extract information from, and perform operations on, Excel dates and times. - 2. Engineering:
The built-in Excel Engineering Functions perform the most commonly used engineering calculations, many of which relate to Bessel Functions, Complex Numbers or converting between different bases. - 3. Financial:
List Financial functions, such as the DURATION, RATE, and PMT functions… - 4. Information:
Excel Information Functions – Links to Each of the Built-In Information Functions with Full Description, Examples and Common Errors. - 5. Logical:
Lists all logical functions, such as the AND, OR, and IF functions - 6. Lookup and reference:
Excel comes with multiple Lookup and Reference functions that let you find matching values. Use this article to decide which function is best for your needs. - 7. Math:
Excel Math Functions – Links to Each of the Built-In Math & Trig Functions - 8. Statistical:
This chapter gives an overview of some very useful statistical functions in Excel. - 9. Text:
How to use the Excel TEXT function to Convert a number to text in a number format.
Excel Formulas
A collection of useful Excel formulas for sums and counts, dates and times, text manipularion, conditional formatting, percentages, lookups, and more!
Count | Sum | Average |
Min and Max | Conditional Formatting | Lookup |
If | Date and Time | Date Series |
Text | Financial | Workbook |
Internet | Names | Percentage |
Range | Miscellaneous |